Tag Archives: Baking and Confections

Garlic Spears? Heck Yes!

I have to say so far my favorite thing about my paleo journey is trying all sorts of new vegetables and foods. This time I feel like I struck GOLD with garlic spears! They are amazing. A nice cross between asparagus and artichoke with a bite. All I did was pan fry them in some olive oil with sea salt and fresh black pepper. To die for. Well to me anyway. My family…. Not so much, but hey you can’t win them all.

I also experimented with paleo brownies, those were a huge hit! Even with the kids. Now, there was one tablespoon of baking powder in the recipe which I know is not 100% paleo, but as I described in my previous blog, I needed some sweet, succulent, deliciousness in my life and before I headed to get something completely off the charts I settled for these delicious brownies! I went on a hunt for a good recipe when I came across BakerGal. She went ahead and did the work for me by trying out five different varieties in her blog called “Paleo Brownies: Comparing 5 Recipes” and then creating The Perfect Paleo Brownie! Perfect it was! I did the no egg version. I also, shame on me but not so much, added Guittard Extra Dark Chocolate Chips, they are 63% cacao mass and I decided to go for it. These brownies were the real deal! Absolutely amazing. If you are having a serious craving, I’m talking the ones that have you pacing around the kitchen huffing and puffing ready to give up all of your hard work, make these brownies instead. Delicious and kid approved.

Now, after my brownie expedition I thought for sure that even though it was honey instead of sugar and no flour I would have gained a pound back or something. NOPE! Next morning I had still dropped another pound! BOOM! And as of this morning my ass is 201.8 pounds! OMG! This is EPIC. I have not been under 200 pounds since having my daughter in 2006. I am beyond excited and this helps me push push push. I even went on a jog with my daughter… In the rain. It was quite amazing actually. I love jogging in the rain and might actually prefer it to dry weather. Call me crazy. I did not finish my squat challenge sadly, I stopped at 180 squats. I do, however, still do 100-150 per day which works great for me. I am sticking to my other exercise plan given to me by Health and Effectivity which I love and I have added lots of cardio to that.

So happy I have stuck through this. I was talking to Adrian last night about how when we eat we are feeling satisfied and not overly full and hung over from a food attack! At first I had to get used to this because I kept thinking that I had to still be hungry. I am just now starting to realize that I am still full. I am just full of delicious, healthy food. Food that is not processed into crap. Food that is real. Food that my body is happy with. Food that gives me energy instead of putting me in a food coma. I have been looking so forward to the end of the month to “cheat” and yesterday my cheat idea was sushi and salad rolls. Still a healthy choice just with a few things that I no longer eat. I will probably still have a slice of heavenly cake. That I just have to do. My point is, my body enjoys our new found way of eating! I love it actually. It was much easier than I expected and I am so happy I jumped on this lifestyle!

My daughter and I after our rainy day jog.
My daughter and I after our rainy day jog.
Garlic Spears! DELICIOUS!
Garlic Spears! DELICIOUS!
Paleo brownie! YUM!
Paleo brownie! YUM!
Garlic spears tossed and pan fried in olive oil, sea salt, and pepper. Butternut squash in a honey, almond butter, cinnamon and cayenne pepper sauce and a chicken breast seasoned w/ turmeric, coriander, sea salt and pepper.
Garlic spears tossed and pan fried in olive oil, sea salt, and pepper. Butternut squash in a honey, almond butter, cinnamon and cayenne pepper sauce and a chicken breast seasoned w/ turmeric, coriander, sea salt and pepper.
Fresh herb salad with mushroom and apple dressed w/ balsamic garlic jalapeno and cilantro dressing.
Fresh herb salad with mushroom and apple dressed w/ balsamic garlic jalapeno and cilantro dressing.