Tag Archives: Eats

Chocolate Cake, AKA The Devil Himself

This past week has been crazy and today I gave in to a delicious piece of chocolate cake w/ fudge icing. It was so good. As I was eating it I loved every bite. It was moist, soft, sweet, chocolatey amazingness. I literally ate it just 30 minutes ago. Now, as I sit here, I am so stuffed, I feel disgusting and I wish I never ate it! Damn it. It will forever be known as the devil himself from now on.

There has been a lot going on. For instance my beautiful niece Kylie Christine has graduated high school! Not only has she graduated she graduated with honors! I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am of her. She had a rough start in high school and really turned it around. Off to college she goes in the fall and I can’t wait to continue to see her flourish. Father’s Day was also last week and I always love a day to celebrate my fiance and my own Father. I love them both dearly and they need to know they are appreciated. Too often they can really be overlooked. My fiance’s son is also in town for the summer and we are all so happy to have him. Especially my daughter. She loves her big brother and really is attached at his hip at times. It’s really quite cute. I will say that because he’s here to visit it has been easy to use him as an excuse to not eat “all” the way paleo. For instance, last weekend we HAD to let him taste Little Big Burger. I mean we HAD to. That is a decision I do not regret like the cake.

My paleo journey has really been going quite well with the exception of craving attacks every now and then. I think this past week has been the most difficult for some reason! It was like all of a sudden I started slacking. I haven’t worked out as much as I have been and since it’s been this way I have stayed away from blogging. Then I started thinking… I know I can’t be the only one that has times that are tough, and everyday is not always peachy. Oh the struggle. So after my cake, I decided to come on in and write about it. Time to tell it. This will hold me accountable! That is in fact the reason I started to write about my journey. Accountability.  I am DONE acting up!!! That is it!!! Tomorrow is a new day! I will pick back up on my jogging, exercising and eating paleo. I honestly do feel the BEST when I am keeping to it 100%.

Luckily for me I have not gained my weight that I’ve lost back. Even though I haven’t done as much as I was I am still at 197.4 pounds. I credit this to my fat-burning coffee without a doubt. My goal of 185 may not happen this month, but next month I am doing a weight loss challenge with Health and Effectivity and I think this will be just what I need. From what it sounds like you will have a team of support and people sharing their journey. I am really excited!

The other day I was craving a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich. I made an amazing paleo version. I bought romaine leaves at Trader Joe’s for the “bread” and made some fresh guacamole that I spread on the lettuce, fried up some delicious paleo friendly bacon, sliced some ripe juicy tomatoes and added just a touch of kosher salt and fresh black pepper to them, then sprinkled just enough goat cheese on it to give it just the right flavor! Honestly, I prefer this version to bread. It was absolutely amazing and I’m sure I will make it again. I think I will also try it with different meat. Chicken salad sounds amazing! I have been eating melon of all kinds like it is candy. It is so good and fresh! I love it fresh out of the fridge when it is ice cold! One of my favorite fruits.

All in all even though I have had a few slip ups, I still enjoy my paleo lifestyle and I am definitely in no way giving it up. Can I just say that my stomach is literally turning from this cake. That will teach me. I will definitely remember this feeling next time I have the thought. Ugh.

Boresha Fat-Burning Organic coffee. AMAZING. This is what started my journey. www.drinkitshrinkit.com
Boresha Fat-Burning Organic coffee. AMAZING. This is what started my journey. http://www.drinkitshrinkit.com
These are a problem and somewhat of an addiction. Smoked salmon and goat cheese stuffed jalapeno's wrapped in bacon.
These are a problem and somewhat of an addiction. Smoked salmon and goat cheese stuffed jalapeno’s wrapped in bacon.
The amazing bacon lettuce and tomato!
The amazing bacon lettuce and tomato!


Me and my Niece Kylie
Me and my Niece Kylie
Cheese!!! I think she was just as happy and proud of herself as all of us!
Cheese!!! I think she was just as happy and proud of herself as all of us!
THis is one of my closest friends Rosaunda and I at my nieces graduation party. It is absolutely normal for me to act up when in her presence.
THis is one of my closest friends Rosaunda and I at my nieces graduation party. It is absolutely normal for me to act up when in her presence.
Just beautiful!!!
Just beautiful!!!